Public meeting to hear plans for new health centre in Bentley

NHS South Yorkshire ICB will present the proposals along with council colleagues and
architects for a centre to be built on the site of the former community library in Chapel Street.
The plan is for patients who use the current Don Valley Health Care surgery on High Street and the Ransome Practice on Askern Road, to move to the proposed new building which is set for completion by June 2024.
Patients will still see their own GPs but will have access to more modern facilities and a
wider choice of health and local authority services.
The drop-in will take place between 3pm and 7pm on Tuesday 7 February at the
Homestead Communal Hall, The Homestead, Bentley DN5 0RU.
Leaflets explaining the plans will be available along with a survey for people to complete.The GP surgeries involved will also have leaflets and surveys available. If people prefer, they can fill in the survey online during the consultation period which ends on 7 April: Bentley health hub consultation survey