The fourth annual Recovery Games on 18 August saw over 650 people from all parts of the UK coming together at Hatfield Activity Centre in Doncaster in a fun packed day of celebration of people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.
Aspiring provided afternoon tea to our guests; arranged memorabilia items around the room; during afternoon tea their guests were encouraged to select something from the memory table and to tell other guests any memories it may have evoked for them
In July 2017, Healthwatch Doncaster attended the national conference of Healthwatch England, bringing together representatives of all Healthwatch’ across the country through a range of different workshops that were held designed to enhance our work
A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
Healthwatch Doncaster designed and delivered an engagement campaign aimed at older people, adults, children and families who attend Doncaster Town Cricket Club. The campaign was co-designed and delivered with Doncaster Town Cricket Club.
The last 12 months have seen a period of change and transformation for Healthwatch Doncaster. The creation of a new Community Interest Company (CIC), relocation to new premises and the appointment of a new
Chief Operating Officer
As a result of discussions with Commissioners Working Together, Healthwatch Doncaster was asked to provide additional support by having conversations with local people, groups including seldom heard, to gather their thoughts about the STP
The purpose of the session was to get people together and have a good time at a Vintage Tea Party where they can interact with others, play musical bingo, do a quiz and be served copious amounts of sandwiches, cakes and tea.