Help build a health service fit for the future

You are invited to join in the biggest conversation on shaping healthcare for the next 10 years!

The NHS has been around for 76 years - generations have seen change happen and we need change to continue to happen in order to move forward. Here at Healthwatch Doncaster, we are hosting our December monthly Happy to Help drop-in session on Wednesday 18th December 2024. For local people to be able to 'have your say' on what you would like to see happen across healthcare for the next 10 years. It's time to share your views, experiences and ideas so we have an NHS fit for the future.

Located at our Cavendish Court office (8D Cavendish Court, South Parade, Doncaster. DN1 2DJ) between 10am-12pm

We invite people to chat with us about the three key shifts planned for health care:

  • Hospital to Community
  • Analogue to Digital
  • Sickness to Prevention

Alternatively, if you are unable to attend our Happy to Help drop-in but would like to add your voice to the conversation. You can visit the NHS Change website and complete a short survey here: 

The future of healthcare starts with a conversation, so let's pop the kettle on, enjoy a few festive treats and make a difference.