CQC inspectors publish reports on 189 Adult Social Care, Primary Medical Care and Hospitals Services
The report lists those inspections by CQC sector (Adult Social Care, Hospitals, Primary Medical Care).
Please note that you can filter this list by CQC sector (Column C), local authority area (Column E), or region (Column F) if that is more convenient to you. There are links to each report. Full reports on all of our inspections are available at: http://www.cqc.org.uk. For further guidance on how we regulate, inspect and rate services see: http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/services-we-regulate
This list contains all inspection reports published in the seven days up and until 23.59 Sunday.
Please note that sometimes reports shown on this spreadsheet are not new reports or inspections, but have been re-uploaded to the website to include additional pages at the back of the report, detailing enforcement action which we are now legally allowed to disclose publicly.
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