NHS Long Term Plan Focus Group Report: Prison Healthcare Reps – Lindholme Prison

Prison Healthcare Reps work on each Wing in the Prison to support fellow prisoners with access to healthcare and support services. The group of reps meet monthly with the Lead Nurse for Healthcare in the

What did they do?

The Focus Group had to be developed and delivered in a slightly different way to other Focus Groups. Prisoners would be unable to participate in online surveys or access emailed version of the NHS Long Term Plan. A different approach was required and this took the form of a facilitated conversation around the key themes and element of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Long Term Plan survey

Conclusions from Prison Healthcare Reps – Lindholme Prison

  • Engaging with prisoners and prison healthcare reps about the wider NHS can be difficult – the health and care system in a prison is similar but different to the wider NHS. The experience of prisoners accessing health and care services is not always a positive one
  • Mental health is an area of interest for improvement in prisons identified by prisoners and prisoner healthcare reps
  • It has been identified that a discussion with the healthcare provider – Care UK – about the implementation and practicalities of the NHS Long Term Plan aspirations would be useful.


If you need this report in a different format, please email [email protected] or call 01302 965450

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