NHS Long Term Plan Focus Group Report: People Focussed Group Report (1)

A group of adults ranging across all ages who meet together for the purposes of Peer Support around mental health

What did they do?

They met and considered what would be the best approach when engaging with groups about the NHS Long Term Plan. The desired outcomes would be for them to gain feedback on the content of the Plan and felt that they needed to be conscious of their style if they were to achieve contributions from any groups. The opinion was that for many groups the formal survey would not 3 get their attention and they had to think about their delivery very carefully. Team members worked in partnership to interpret the survey and create resources to assist in their delivery. Efforts were made to aid the facilitators to deliver a succinct summary of the points made in the document to encourage discussion. They developed a Power point presentation that they felt might be appropriate for some sessions however, they felt that in the majority of the sessions they should use the laminated slides from the Power point as crib sheets to achieve the most effective approach.

Conclusion from People Focussed Group

  • Participants felt that training is required for staff to enable services around physical and mental health to work more cohesively. The service user experience currently is that professionals “clash” over issues relating to an individual’s care. The participants felt that this led to a poorer experience for them as service users.
  • In relation to in-patient experience, the group felt that improvements to the in-patient environment were needed for example around opportunities for activities to occupy them. In addition, that discharge procedures need to be improved to ensure that anyone being discharged after an in-patient stay is given the support they need around accommodation etc. to ensure that their mental health does not deteriorate.
  • The group welcomed the idea of increasing support in schools, as they felt that earlier intervention would lead to better outcomes for individuals.
  • In relation to carers the group felt that adopting a Peer Support approach would be beneficial to those undertaking a caring role, whatever their age.


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