Diana says think about becoming an RDaSH governor

Doncaster mum Diana Foster has devoted a large part of her life to looking after her 30-year-old disabled son and voluntarily shares her caring experiences with a local NHS trust.
Diana FOSTER Governor

Diana, a mental health carer governor with Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH), is now urging others to join her, saying it’s a rewarding role, helping to improve health services for those who can’t always speak up for themselves.

“My son has ADHD and autism so we are in regular contact with RDaSH services. Becoming a governor has been a positive two-way process, I am able to tell Trust staff what’s good and what could be better, whilst also being able to understand and appreciate the challenges that they face in providing services, said Diana, from Woodlands.

“Governors receive lots of support from the trust, such as training sessions, which has really helped me grow into the role. I’m pleased to represent my son and others like him, so their voices can be heard and I’m sure many other people would find being a governor equally fulfilling.”

RDaSH Director of Corporate Assurance, Philip Gowland, agrees, adding that there has never been a better time to support your local NHS by becoming a governor.

“We have vacancies for governors to represent the people of Doncaster, Rotherham and North Lincolnshire. Elections for these seats, plus several more specialist governor roles across the services we provide, will take place in the coming weeks, he said.

“Governors are volunteers who provide a vital link between the Trust and local people, staff and partner organisations. They also appoint the Chair and non-executive directors of the Trust. As members of our Council of Governors they are guardians of our objectives and values, helping to bring about improvements to the services we provide.

“To become a governor you must first be a member of the Trust, which is a simple process, easily completed online by visiting www.rdash.nhs.uk and searching for ‘Join Us’. As a member you can then nominate yourself to be a governor via an election process. All the contested seats are decided by the votes of the members.

“You need to have the time to attend four meetings a year and some training sessions, and if you have more time to spare there are lots of other opportunities to see how the Board works, to attend visits and to work with your fellow governors.”

Governors must be aged over 16 and have:

  • An interest in local health services.
  • Good interpersonal skills to communicate with a range of people
  • Enthusiasm, commitment and able to work as a team.
  • Experiences in other roles, for example volunteering, at work or in your personal life.

For more information ring Susan Black on 07929 656113.