Free resources for anyone distressed, thinking about suicide or worried about someone they care about

The Staying Safe website is a potentially life-saving resource developed by 4 Mental Health, with invaluable input from international academics, mental health practitioners, people who have survived suicidal thoughts
A woman looking fearful

StayingSafe offers compassion, kindness and easy ways to help keep people safer from thoughts of harm and suicide, seek support and discover hope of recovery through powerful videos from people with personal experience.

Safety Plan 

The website provides vital ‘Safety Plan’ guidance tools jointly funded by NHS England, with easy to print / online templates and guidance video tutorials purposefully designed to help people through the process of writing their own Safety Plan. 

Preparing for difficult times

Tragically, suicide takes far too many lives, yet suicide is preventable. Anyone struggling to cope or experiencing deep distress may begin to think about harming themselves and consider suicide as a means to escape their emotional pain. It can be incredibly difficult to think clearly during these times. Everyone is encouraged to PREPARE for possible difficult times ahead BEFORE they happen, by completing a Safety Plan.

Safety Plans become a vital and valuable reminder of:

• What people can do for themselves to get through difficult times
• Practical ways they can make their situation safer
• Who to contact for support
• Where to go or who to contact in an emergency

For more information about

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0203 637 9191